Title: Artemis Fowl The Arctic Incident
Author: Eoin Colfer
Series Study: Book #2
This book is the second book of the Artemis Fowl series. This book tells the story of Opal Koboi's rising alongside the rescue of the abducted Artemis Fowl the first and second. This book starts with Jerbal Argon, indicating that the book is a report on Artemis Fowl II's behavior, commissioned by the Lower Elements Police. After a quick flashback to the kidnapping of Artemis I, the book then has Artemis Fowl II undergoing an unsuccessful counceling session at the Saint Bartleby's School of Young Gentlemen. Then you read about Butler when he call informing Artemis that a movie file containing footage of the missing Artemis Fowl I had been emailed to him and that the Russian Mafia were responsible. Then going on in the book Artemis Fowl decides to create a rescue force and called in Holly Short (the fairy he kidnapped in the first book) to help rescue his dad. At the end of the story it end with a fight that deals with the return of the Artemis Fowl II and the Artemis Fowl I to the Fowl Manor.
I think this book was an interesting read because of what happened though out the book. I believe that this book should be read in middle school because I think this book is to far fetched for children any younger that they might not be able to understand the story.
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