Title: Sweet Clara and The Freedom Quilt
Author: Deborah Hopkinson
Historical Fiction (Primary Level)
Sweet Clara is a wonderful book about a young slave girl who is separated from her family and is taken to work in the fields of a planation. She soon discovers that fieldwork is not for her, and is permitted to work in the house, helping with the sewing and mending. She then begin to hear about others who have escaped their plight, and comes up with a brilliant idea. She uses the left over scraps of cloth from her sewing to begin to make her own quilt, this is a map that will lead her to her family and then ultimately to freedom.Author: Deborah Hopkinson
Historical Fiction (Primary Level)
This book is a great book for children to read for when their learning about slavery and freedom. I really enjoyed reading this book and I recommend that every teacher should use this book in their classroom. The style of this book is very creative and interesting.
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